Only 4 days left of the summer! Many of you are already back in school, and I'm a little bit jealous! I can't wait to get the year going!
I finished up my classroom this week, so here are some pictures!
My Good Reader's "bulletin" board! Made my own strategy cards, and I-Pick good books from Pinterest :)
Library/Carpet area with my owl chair and dry erase board!
Behind my desk/small group table. Paper, art supplies, files, etc.
My desk!
Teacher Toolbox, inspired by pinterest!
Cabinet in the corner, job chart, previous class pictures..
Maps, Rules, Schedule, Supplies (painted some Foldgers containers! coffee yum....)
View from my desk..
My new dry erase board that I scored from the principal and had it mounted! WOOO!
SMARTBOARD!!!!!!!! (waited 2 years for this, super excited.) Plus HW board, calendar,
bdays, prayer corner, and another carpet area in front of the smart board
bdays, prayer corner, and another carpet area in front of the smart board
Can't wait to meet my flock!! Or shall I say "clutch". A group of baby owls is a clutch. Group of adult owls is a parliament! Fun facts! :)
I also made a "Room 33, Where are we?" chart for the back of the door!
Here's a link.. feel free to revise, edit, and share. Where are we?
Here's a link to the strategy cards I made for the board.. Strategy
Let me know if you are going to download something!
Have a Happy Labor Day and good luck this school year! :)
Melissa :)